Go to menu USB Transmit \ Transmit \ Transmit. that will show you that DNW is connected to GPSġ6. Check if on the form blue upper side there is written ' USB : OK '. start DNW.exe from galin_UPGRADE_MIO_DDMMMYY.zip\PC\DNWġ5. Your USB is not 100% compatible - & gt Use a USB hub (try 1.1 first and 2.0 after)ġ4. You where to slow (that menu has a time out) - & gt Disconnect your GPS from USB and go to step 4. If it didn't received an address there are two possible problems: After install you should see on display that GPS received an USB address. ' and point the PC to install driver from folder galin_UPGRADE_MIO_DDMMMYY.zip\PC\SEC_SOC_driver (alternatively if complains that ' there is no compatible driver ' you can try also galin_UPGRADE_MIO_DDMMMYY.zip\PC\SEC_SOC_driver_other)ġ3. connect GPS to PC (using an USB cable)ġ2. :) )įor menu detailes please read ' SDCard\documents\Menu.txt 'īTW: Write down also those menus if are different from the ones from Menu.txt :)ġ1. is recommended to use the version that will format My Flash Disk (but make sure you have the recovery CD. NOTE: If you had any problems with your My Flash Disk previously. 'wince by USB (Format)' if you want to format also My Flash Disk 'wince by USB' if you want to keep the My Flash Disk Using Power button go to 'wince upgrade' and inside that go to: ) when you start the GPS you'll find a blue screen (this time its a good thing) and you have to navigate to 'wince upgrade'įor navigation instructions please read ' SDCard\documents\Menu.txt 'īTW: If your menu is different when you enter into blue screen please write down all those menus into a text file to have that information later on. after you have the confirmation of the unlock Do a hardware RESETĩ. press Yes every time you are asked (if you want to unlock UBOOT)Ĩ. After application starts (you'll see an application with two buttons) press SuperUser buttonħ. (after you power up the GPS) insert SDCardĦ. (with GPS disconnected from PC) Hardware RESETĥ. copy on SDCard the content from galin_UPGRADE_MIO_DDMMMYY.zip\SDCardĤ. download galin_UPGRADE_MIO_DDMMMYY.zip and winceimg.zipģ. Read SDCard\documents\read-me_Cx10.txt for Cx10 Read SDCard\documents\read-me_Cx20.txt for Cx20 W załączniku daję cały zestaw dla mio cxxx. Folder "UPGRADE" a w nim dwa foldery z plikami.