As with every MMO ever, pug tanks will make you want to perform seppuku. I would highly recommend a guild for grouping and endgames. I justify a score of 7 because I was thoroughly entertained for my first play through and I am regularly raiding with my guild. The hyperbole of the reviews and the flimsy justifications for the extreme positions are not entertaining nor a good guide to whether or not anyone should purchase a game, which I think should be the most useful thing about them.

After reading some of the reviews here and on Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, I think I will be avoiding 'User reviews' on Metacritic from here on. A pure Tank class that doesn't have effective mob gathering skills? Not a good idea.) The story is very well done, but becomes tedious on subsequent play through. Negatives: Some of the class design choices went too far trying to differentiate from accepted 'trinity' ability distribution (a stealth healer with DPS? kind of OP. Positives: SW:TOR is a fine MMO offering that had a smooth launch but inadequate endgame, which is about as much as you can hope for from a Positives: SW:TOR is a fine MMO offering that had a smooth launch but inadequate endgame, which is about as much as you can hope for from a modern MMO.